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Grow Your Own Beetroot

Beetroot is one of those vegetables that is often overlooked when planting a small veg garden. Yet it is also one of the easiest to grow and one of the most versatile to prepare. Once you grow your own and prepare it yourself you will never want to go back to shop bought beetroot again!

Beetroot can be planted directly into your veg patch in July (now) so there is very little effort involved to get your crop going. They like nutrient rich soil but are not overly fussy, so a veg patch that was used for something else last year would be perfect. Once you have your seeds sow them around 2m deep and 25-30cm away from each other. 

As they grow they may require some thinning, so simply pluck out the stunted growers as you spot them while keeping an eye on the weeds that may pop up. 

They do like a bit of feed, mix a bit of liquid feed into their watering or spread some manure such as Maxicrop Seaweed Fertiliser 1l or Westland Organic Chicken Manure Pellets. 

You can start eating them once they get to about the size of snooker balls, this is also a part of the thinning process though, so you want to harvest every second beet and leave the rest to mature. If planted now this should be around the October mark. Careful not to leave them in the ground too long as they will become 'woody' and tough. 

Beetroot stores incredibly well and the crop from October will easily keep for a few months if stored in a cool dry place, just be sure to take their leaves off and not to bruise or cut the bulbs. 


Here are a few varieties to try out;


Tondo di Chioggia - This is a small sweet Italian variety that has a red and white ringed centre. It can be eaten raw and is great for salads or even fresh in sandwiches.


Rotunda Beetroot - This is a deep purple/red beet that has a sweet earthy taste, it's absolutely delicious when roasted. 


Feuer Kugel - This hails from Switzerland and is a great mild tasting option for pickling/jarring. It has quite a round red bulb and keeps quite firm after cooking. 


Albina Vereduna - This is a white variety that has a sweet taste and the texture of sweet potato. It works really well in stews or curries. 


Touchstone Gold - With a pink exterior and a bright yellow inside this variety is stunning to look at. It has a crisp texture and can be used in salads but also holds its shape well when cooked so is great roasted also. 


Pests and diseases to watch for;

Beetroot is generally very pest and disease resistant, the only ones to watch for are the mice which might have a nibble if there's nothing else around.

If they don't get enough feed they can be stunted and try not to water them on extremely sunny days as this can scorch the leaves. 

Other than that, Happy planting! :)