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Japanese Maples/Acers (Acer palmatum)

Japanese acers are beautiful trees coming in an assortment of vibrant colours. Their leaves are delicate 5 lobed palms much like a small Sycamore tree (which is also a type of Acer, Acer pseudoplatanus). They grow up to 10m tall in some specimens but are slow growing, growing only 1 or two foot in a year.  They were originally introduced from Japan in the 1820's, since then many different cultivars have been grown and come from China and Korea. They are one of the more favoured species to use in Bonsai due to their dainty and delicate appearance. 

Here in Ireland they are a favourite choice to grow in a courtyard or sheltered patio areas. They love rich loamy, well drained soil. Their root systems are quite shallow and they are very sensitive to wind or overly cold conditions. Once established they will generally take care of themselves but getting them settled can be tricky. 

As a rule don't plant them anywhere windy/overly sunny or wet.

They are perfect for large pots which can actually work well as they can be moved during adverse weather conditions (if there is a bad storm due for instance). 


There are many varieties to choose from, here I will give you some of the more popular choices;

Acer 'Bloodgood' - More of a large shrub than a tree, this Acer has deep purple leaves which turn a lighter red colour come Autumn. It is one of the more weather tolerant and reliable varieties. Its maximum height is 4 metres making it perfect for smaller walled areas.

Acer 'Katsura' - This is an incredibly slow growing Acer, taking up to 30 years to reach it's full height of 4 metres! So if you are going to buy one make sure it's near to the height you want it at. It has beautiful, delicate green leaves the edges of which have a pink tinge that then turn bright orange during Autumn before dropping. 

Acer 'Dissectum'- This is a 'lace-leaf' Japanese maple, so it's leaves are wispy and lacey. It grows in a bowl mound shape and looks fantastic beside garden ponds or near any water feature. It starts with bright green leaves in spring which then turn deep orange, yellow and then soft red before falling in Autumn. 

Acer 'Butterfly'-  A variegated green and white leaf makes this Acer stand out from the others. It also has a jagged shape to its leaf and goes through some quite elaborate colour changes. Starting with its white and green in the spring it then gets a pink edge which then turns bright scarlet during the Autumn. It grows up to 4 metres in height and is slightly faster growing than some of the other varieties. It is a little more sun tolerant also which makes it perfect for more exposed sites. It works very well in a rockery display or as a focal point in a patio area. 

Acers are fantastic trees to grow and can be very rewarding when they go through their dramatic colour changes. Just remember to buy one at the size you want it at or be prepared to have a lot of patience! :)