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Perfect Plants For Ground Coverage

Quite often I'm asked what I would suggest to cover a neglected bank, or a strip of unused ground that would be very low maintenance and yet still be pleasing to the eye. We don't always have the time to be constantly weeding, feeding and watering, so here are just a few ideas of plants that will give greenery year round and a burst of colour now and again while needing very little attention. 



Vinca is better known as Periwinkle. It is an evergreen, low growing, creeping plant. It has small purple or white flowers. It has dark green glossy leaves and also comes in a variegated green and white version. It is extremely tolerant of the climate here putting up with sun and shade alike. It does very well in dry areas such as steep well drained banks. It can cover an entire area in one season once it takes hold and will happily produce new plants itself every year. It is a go to for covering unsightly areas that don't get a lot of attention. The only real maintenance to be done is to cut it back from areas you don't want it each year as it will spread and take over if allowed.  



Pachysandra terminalis (Japanese pachysandra)

For shaded areas where you are having trouble getting things to grow, Pachysandra is perfect. It loves being in the shade and is also evergreen. It is a small (8-12" high) shrubby plant with tiny white flowers. It spreads into carpets via rhizomes and again needs very little care. It is ideal for forested plants or simply an area shaded by a larger tree or building. Much like Vinca the only real care needed is to keep it contained in the area you want it by cutting and digging out once a year. 


Alchemilla mollis (Ladys Mantle)

This is a favourite of mine. Originally named because its scallop shaped leaves catch water in seemingly magical little orbs, it was thought that water harvested from their leaves was in it's purest form and so alchemists and healers used to gather it for tinctures and potions. The 'mollis' part comes from the Latin word for soft due to it's velvety feel. 

It is a clump forming little plant with shoots of yellow flowers when in bloom. It is tolerant of wet soil and once settled in will also put up with dry conditions. It doesn't overly spread itself and so can be planted under hedges to cover any bare patches. 


Geranium Rozanne 

Geranium rozanne is a fabulous addition to any garden. It spreads ridiculously easily and looks stunning. It is a low growing plant with small purple flowers that bees and other beneficial insects go wild for. It is tolerant in all soils bar very wet areas and is very low maintenance. The great thing about these plants is that they can be propagated so easily. If you have it established in one area you can simply dig up a clump of it and transfer it to it's new spot and it will take off again. Much like the other ground covers the only thing to watch for is that you are not allowing it to take over. This is very suitable for anywhere in the garden including as a filler in border beds. 


So if you have a bare space that you are not sure what to do with, try planting one of these plants and giving yourself something beautiful to look at :)